65. Festival del Cinema di CANNES (16-27 Maggio 2012) - 'CANNES CLASSICS' - NUOVA VERSIONE RIMASTERIZZATA IN DIGITALE E COMPLETAMENTE RESTAURATA (a cura dello Universal Studios Digital Service) il 23 MAGGIO - Centenario Universal Pictures - In DVD e BLU-RAY: Dal 22 AGOSTO 2012
Soggetto: Ispirato all'omonimo romanzo di Peter Benchley.
Cast: Roy Scheider (Brody ) Robert Shaw (Quint) Richard Dreyfuss (Hooper) Lorraine Gary (Ellen Brody) Murray Hamilton (Vaughn) Carl Gottlieb (Meadows) Jeffrey Kramer (Hendricks ) Susan Backlinie (Chrissie ) Jonathan Filley (Cassidy) Ted Grossman (vittima dell'estuario) Chris Rebello (Michael Brody) Jay Mello (Sean Brody) Lee Fierro (Mrs. Kintner) Jeffrey Voorhees (Alex Kintner) Craig Kingsbury (Ben Gardner )
Musica: John Williams
Scenografia: Joe Alves
Fotografia: Bill Butler
Montaggio: Verna Fields
Effetti Speciali: Robert A. Mattey
Scheda film aggiornata al:
25 Novembre 2012
Amity è una classica cittadina balneare californiana in cui, una notte, un enorme squalo dilania una bagnante. Per non danneggiare il turismo il sindaco non si decide a chiudere la spiaggia come lo sceriffo vorrebbe. Una seconda vittima convincerà quest'ultimo ad andare in mare per affrontare faccia a faccia il terribile animale. In compagnia di un vecchio lupo di mare e di uno zoologo specializzato negli squali, sosterrà la tremenda sfida finale nell'elemento che più odia: l'acqua.
When a gigantic great white shark begins to menace the small island community of Amity, a police chief, a marine scientist and grizzled fisherman set out to stop it.
It's a hot summer on Amity Island, a small community whose main business is its beaches. When new Sheriff Martin Brody discovers the remains of a shark attack victim, his first inclination is to close the beaches to swimmers. This doesn't sit well with Mayor Larry Vaughn and several of the local businessmen. Brody backs down to his regret as that weekend a young boy is killed by the predator. The dead boy's mother puts out a bounty on the shark and Amity is soon swamped with amateur hunters and fisherman hoping to cash in on the reward. A local fisherman with much experience hunting sharks, Quint, offers to hunt down the creature for a hefty fee. Soon Quint, Brody and Matt Hooper from the Oceanographic Institute are at sea hunting the Great White shark. As Brody succinctly surmises after their first encounter with the creature, they're going to need a bigger boat.