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    Home Page > Movies & DVD > Indiana Jones e il regno del teschio di cristallo (English Version)


    INDIANA JONES IV°: Waiting for Act V - Dal 61. Festival del Cinema di Cannes

    "We created Indiana Jones, but it belongs to the world. And now we’re the custodians. Our job really is to serve up a huge helping not only of what Indiana Jones means to audiences who grew up with it, but to introduce the character to those who haven’t. This new film is for the fans".
    Director Steven Spielberg

    "The style is the same, the humor is the same. Everything feels the same. But we’ve also been able to build on it. The relationships we have on the set and the ones on the screen are stronger and better and more fun than they’ve ever been".
    Executive Producer and Co-Story Writer George Lucas

    "Having been out in the world making all kinds of other movies, I was happy to do another Indiana Jones film, just because they’re so damned much fun to do. I love being in business again with Steven and George, and I’ve had a great time on this one".
    L'attore Harrison Ford

    (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull USA 2008; Adventure; 123'; Produz.: Paramount Pictures/Lucasfilm Ltd./Amblin Enertainment/Santo Domingo Film & Music Video; Distribuz.: Paramount Pictures -USA/UK)

    Locandina italiana Indiana Jones e il regno del teschio di cristallo (English Version)

    Rating by
    Celluloid Portraits:


    Titolo in italiano: Indiana Jones e il regno del teschio di cristallo (English Version)

    Titolo in lingua originale: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

    Anno di produzione: 2008

    Anno di uscita: 2008

    Regia: Steven Spielberg

    Sceneggiatura: David Koepp

    Soggetto: Story by George Lucas and Jeff Nathanson.

    Cast: Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones)
    Karen Allen (Marion Ravenwood)
    Cate Blanchett (Agente Irina Spalko)
    Shia LaBeouf (Mutt Williams)
    Ray Winstone ('Mac' George McHale)
    John Hurt (Professor Harold Oxley)
    Jim Broadbent (Preside Charles Stanforth)
    Ian McDiarmid (Professor Levi)
    Alan Dale (Generale Ross)
    Igor Zhizhikin (Colonnello Dovchenko)
    Andrew Divoff (Soldato russo)
    Pavel Lychnikoff (Soldato russo)
    Joel Stoffer (Agente Taylor)
    Dimitri Diatchenko (Russo)
    V.J. Foster (Ministro)

    Musica: John Williams

    Costumi: Mary Zophres

    Scenografia: Guy Hendrix Dyas

    Fotografia: Janusz Kaminski

    Scheda film aggiornata al: 10 Luglio 2023


    "... This newest adventure begins in the desert Southwest in 1957 – the height of the Cold War. Indy and his sidekick Mac (Ray Winstone) have barely escaped a close scrape with nefarious Soviet agents on a remote airfield.
    Now, Professor Jones has returned home to Marshall College – only to find things have gone from bad to worse. His close friend and dean of the college (Jim Broadbent) explains that Indy’s recent activities have made him the object of suspicion, and that the government has put pressure on the university to fire him. On his way out of town, Indiana meets rebellious young Mutt (Shia LaBeouf), who carries both a grudge and a proposition for the adventurous archaeologist: If he’ll help Mutt on a mission with deeply personal stakes, Indy could very well make one of the most spectacular archaeological finds in history – the Crystal Skull of Akator, a legendary object of fascination, superstition and fear.
    But as Indy and Mutt set out for the most remote corners of Peru – a land of ancient tombs, forgotten explorers and a rumored city of gold – they quickly realize they are not alone in their search. The Soviet agents are also hot on the trail of the Crystal Skull. Chief among them is icy cold, devastatingly beautiful Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett), whose elite military unit is scouring the globe for the eerie Crystal Skull, which they believe can help the Soviets dominate the world ... if they can unlock its secrets.
    Indy and Mutt must find a way to evade the ruthless Soviets, follow an impenetrable trail of mystery, grapple with enemies and friends of questionable motives, and, above all, stop the powerful Crystal Skull from falling into the deadliest of hands...".

    From >Press-Book< of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


    • Steven Spielberg (Regista)

    • Karen Allen

    • Harrison Ford

    • Shia LaBeouf

    • Cate Blanchett

    • Jim Broadbent

    • Ray Winstone

    • John Hurt


    Galleria Video:

    Indiana Jones e il Regno del Teschio di Cristallo - trailer ufficiale (V.O.) - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

    Il giudizio della critica

    The Best of Review

    International Press

    61. Festival del Cinema di CANNES


    "One of the most eagerly and long-awaited series follow-ups in screen history delivers the goods -- not those of the still first-rate original, 1981's 'Raiders of the Lost Ark,' but those of its uneven two successors. 'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull' begins with an actual big bang, then gradually slides toward a ho-hum midsection before literally taking off for an uplifting finish. Nineteen years after their last adventure, director Steven Spielberg and star Harrison Ford have no trouble getting back in the groove with a story and style very much in keeping with what has made the series so perennially popular. Few films have ever had such a high mass audience must-see factor, spelling giant May 22 openings worldwide and a rambunctious B.O. life all the way into the eventual 'Indiana Jones' DVD four pack".

    ROGER EBERT ("Chicago Sun-Times")

    "... I can say that if you liked the other Indiana Jones movies, you will like this one, and that if you did not, there is no talking to you...".

    CLAUDIA PUIG ("Usa Today"):

    "...Even with the ponderous dialogue, there is considerable fun, and it's good to see that Indy, though slightly weary, still has the goods...".

    Italian Press

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