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    Home Page > Movies & DVD > Assassin's Creed


    Preview in English by OWEN GLEIBERMAN ( - Dal 4 Gennaio

    (Assassin's Creed; USA/REGNO UNITO/FRANCIA 2016; Fantasy d'azione; 115'; Produz.: Regency Enterprises/DMC Film/The Kennedy/Marshall Company/Latina Pictures in associaz. con Ubisoft Motion Pictures; Distribuz.: 20th Century Fox Italia)

    Locandina italiana Assassin's Creed

    Rating by
    Celluloid Portraits:


    Titolo in italiano: Assassin's Creed

    Titolo in lingua originale: Assassin's Creed

    Anno di produzione: 2016

    Anno di uscita: 2017

    Regia: Justin Kurzel

    Sceneggiatura: Bill Collage, Adam Cooper e Michael Lesslie

    Cast: Michael Fassbender (Cal Lynch/Aguilar de Nerha)
    Marion Cotillard (Sophia Rikkin)
    Jeremy Irons (Alan Rikkin)
    Brendan Gleeson (Joseph Lynch)
    Charlotte Rampling (Ellen Kaye)
    Michael Kenneth Williams (Moussa)
    Denis MĂ©nochet (McGowan)
    Ariane Labed (Maria)
    Khalid Abdalla (Sultano Muhammad)
    Essie Davis (Mary Lynch)
    Matias Varela (Emir)
    Callum Turner (Nathan)
    Javier Gutiérrez (Tomas de Torquemada)
    Hovik Keuchkerian (Ojeda)
    Crystal Clarke (Samia)
    Cast completo

    Musica: Jed Kurzel

    Costumi: Sammy Sheldon

    Scenografia: Andy Nicholson

    Fotografia: Adam Arkapaw

    Montaggio: Christopher Tellefsen

    Effetti Speciali: Andy Williams (supervisore effetti speciali)

    Makeup: Chantal Busuttil e Karen Schembri Grima

    Casting: Jina Jay

    Scheda film aggiornata al: 26 Gennaio 2017


    In breve:

    Grazie ad una tecnologia rivoluzionaria in grado di sbloccare i ricordi genetici, Callum Lynch (Michael Fassbender) sperimenta le avventure di Aguilar, suo antenato della Spagna del XV secolo, scoprendo cosĂŹ di discendere da una misteriosa societĂ  segreta, gli Assassini. Accumulando conoscenze ed incredibili abilitĂ , Callum sarĂ  in grado di sfidare una potente e crudele organizzazione Templare dei giorni nostri.

    In altre parole:

    Segnato da una tragedia in tenera età, Cal Lynch (Michael Fassbender) ù un galeotto in attesa dell’esecuzione, quando gli capita un’inattesa seconda possibilità grazie ai misteriosi uffici delle Abstergo Industries. Attraverso una tecnologia rivoluzionaria possono sbloccare le memorie genetiche contenute nel suo DNA; così Cal viene inviato indietro nel tempo, nella Spagna del XV secolo. Lì rivivrà le esperienze del suo antenato, Aguilar de Nerha, un membro di una società segreta nota come gli Assassini, che combattono per proteggere il libero arbitrio dalla sete di potere dell’Ordine dei Templari. Trasformato dal suo stesso passato, Cal comincia ad acquisire le conoscenze e le abilità fisiche necessarie per rovesciare l’opprimente organizzazione dei Templari ai giorni nostri.


    When Callum Lynch (Michael Fassbender) explores the memories of his ancestor Aguilar and gains the skills of a Master Assassin, he discovers he is a descendant of the secret Assassins society.

    Through a revolutionary technology that unlocks his genetic memories, Callum Lynch (Michael Fassbender) experiences the adventures of his ancestor, Aguilar, in 15th Century Spain. Callum discovers he is descended from a mysterious secret society, the Assassins, and amasses incredible knowledge and skills to take on the oppressive and powerful Templar organization in the present day

    Commento critico (a cura di OWEN GLEIBERMAN,

    How is this video-game movie different from all other video-game movies? It's got classier stars, but it's really the same old sludge.

    It used to be that when a highly touted actor — a prestigious actor, a thespian — agreed to star in a piece of schlock, he might be grateful for the work, but the job was still undertaken with a pinch of shame. When Laurence Olivier played a leering rapacious soap-opera gloss on Henry Ford in Harold Robbins’ “The Betsy” (1978), or when Michael Caine gallivanted around the globe to star in paycheck movies from “Blame It On Rio” to “Jaws: The Revenge,” no one was fooling anybody.

    How times have changed. “Assassin’s Creed,” in which Michael Fassbender plays some sort of leaping, fighting, time-tripping — but still moody and sullen — bare-chested historic warrior dude, is a mediocre video-game movie that has branded itself in a most

    revealing way. The film is coming off 20 years of soullessly trashy and forgettable video-game spinoffs (the “Mortal Kombat” and “Streetfighter” films, “Max Payne” and “BloodRayne,” the “Lara Croft” series, this year’s “Warcraft”). But “Assassin’s Creed” isn’t fighting the junkiness of that pedigree — it’s using it to prop up its own pretensions. The hook the producers are selling is, “Here, at long last, is a video-game movie that’s a cut above the others.”

    Shot in somber sci-fi Renaissance tones, “Assassin’s Creed” has a “Masterpiece Theatre” cast that’s ten times classier than it needs, it cost more than $150 million to make, and it’s deeply self-serious about its long-ago-and-far-away setting: 15th-century Spain during the Inquisition, which means a lot of solemn religious dogma and burning at the stake. Fassbender takes on the role of Callum Lynch, a modern-day criminal saved from execution and forced to enter the memories of an Inquisition-era

    Assassin, as if he were playing Neo from “The Matrix” crossed with Hamlet. His every tragic gaze and saturnine grimace tells the audience that this isn’t just some glorified dystopian joystick ride — it’s real drama! Except that it isn’t. In “Assassin’s Creed,” Michael Fassbender is like the ultimate special effect. Just by showing up, he confers respectability on two hours of semi-coherent overly art-directed video-game sludge.

    Callum has been saved from death by Alan Rikkin (Jeremy Irons), a mysterious CEO so lost in time that he still wears a black turtleneck, and his daughter, Sophia (Marion Cotillard), who is the lead scientist at Rikkin’s company, Abstergo Industries. It’s Sophia who oversees an experiment that’s the film’s mystical knockoff of virtual reality: Callum gets strapped into an airborne harness that looks like a dental X-ray machine from hell, with a monitor implanted in the back of his neck, and the apparatus

    zaps him back through time to channel the memories of Aguilar de Nerha, the Assassin who is his ancestor. Callum’s mission is to find the hidden location of the Apple of Eden (“The seed of mankind’s first disobedience”), which is somehow connected to the words of Christopher Columbus.

    It’s not clear why any of this is happening, but to say that “Assassin’s Creed” doesn’t make a lot of sense would be both accurate and beside the point. The film’s plot is a shambles, yet everything in it links back, with loopy exactitude, to the past — like the suspicion that Callum’s father, Joseph (Brendan Gleeson), killed his mother, though at the behest of forces greater than himself. Or the fact that Abstergo Industries is a front for the Knights Templar, the order of Christian fighters who first emerged during the Crusades. Are we supposed to read some sort of higher statement

    into the fact that they’re the movie’s bad guys?

    I won’t attempt to parse the fetishistic levels of “meaning” woven into the “Assassin’s Creed” video games, but in the movie the material is derivative in the extreme. Basically, we’re watching “The Matrix” and “The Da Vinci Code” get Cuisinarted into weaponized action sequences that look like they came off of old heavy-metal album covers. There’s an aura of cult doom hanging over the action, but that just makes everything on-screen feel glumly ritualized and abstracted. The Knights Templar, man! How sinister-theological-cool. It’s all a way of creating “mystery” where there is none.

    A movie like “Assassin’s Creed” doesn’t just revolve around dueling cults (the Knights Templar v. the Assassins). The film is all about the cultish complexity of its cosmology; it treats its audience of video-game connoisseurs as a ready-made cult of fans eager to obsess over the film’s visual expansion of

    the games’ design. It’s seriously doubtful that the movie will find enough of those fans in the U.S. to qualify as a domestic success. Yet that may not matter: In the suspended vagueness of its drama, “Assassin’s Creed” speaks the kinetic aesthetic language of the global market. As directed by Justin Kurzel, the film looks like a period painting recreated through pixels of murk; it suggests a Tony Scott movie lit by Vermeer. And it includes one spectacular money-shot image: men diving off of tall buildings, like superheroes with a touch of suicidal grandeur.

    Yet the visual effects are scattered and arbitrary, and the actors are mostly reduced to props. Cotillard, punked-out in a rather Teutonic way (she looks like something out of “Metropolis”), makes her presence felt, and Irons delivers a couple of droll lines that provide the film with its only dabs of humor. But Fassbender, despite his traumatic

    exertions, begins to disappear inside the tightly composed frames. The movie, in its grab-bag philosophical way, makes a big deal out of the purported last words of the 11th-century Persian missionary Hassan-i Sabbah (which were then popularized by William S. Burroughs): “Nothing is true, everything is permitted.” In “Assassin’s Creed,” anything goes, nothing takes hold.

    FEATURETTE - La scena dell'ANIMUS:


    Nota: Si ringraziano 20th Century Fox e Nicola Fiorentino (Ufficio Stampa 20Th Century Fox)




    • Brendan Gleeson

    • Charlotte Rampling

    • Jeremy Irons

    • Marion Cotillard

    • Michael Kenneth Williams

    • Michael Fassbender

    • Denis MĂ©nochet

    • Ariane Labed

    • Crystal Clarke

    • Brian Gleeson

    1 | 2 | 3 | 4

    Galleria Video:

    Assassin's Creed - trailer 3

    Assassin's Creed - trailer

    Assassin's Creed - trailer 2

    Assassin's Creed - trailer (versione originale)

    Assassin's Creed - spot 'E' tempo di fare la storia'

    Assassin's Creed - spot 'Il nostro futuro Ăš scritto nel suo passato'

    Assassin's Creed - spot 'Il tuo Sangue appartiene al Credo'

    Assassin's Creed - spot 'Noi siamo Assassini'

    Assassin's Creed - spot 'Tu sei un Assassino'

    Assassin's Creed - spot 'Vogliono il suo passato'

    Assassin's Creed - spot 'Salvare il mondo'

    Assassin's Creed - clip 'Un inseguimento epico'

    Assassin's Creed - clip 'La Lama di un Assassino'

    Assassin's Creed - clip 'E' il momento di saltare'

    Assassin's Creed - clip 'Stai per entrare nell'Animus'

    Assassin's Creed - clip 'Ti stanno osservando'

    Assassin's Creed - featurette 'Il mondo di Assassin's Creed' (versione originale sottotitolata)

    Assassin's Creed - featurette 'Esclusivo E3 - Dietro le Quinte' (versione originale sottotitolata)

    Assassin's Creed - featurette 'Come Ăš stato Creato il Balzo della Fede' (versione originale sottotitolata)

    Assassin's Creed - featurette 'La scienza dell'Animus' (versione originale sottotitolata)

    Assassin's Creed - featurette 'La mitologia di Assassin's Creed' (versione originale sottotitolata)

    Assassin's Creed - featurette 'La veritĂ  sulle societĂ  segrete' (versione originale sottotitolata)

    Assassin's Creed - featurette 'La colonna sonora del film' (versione originale sottotitolata)

    Assassin's Creed - featurette 'Romics 2016 - Panel di discussione: dal videogioco al film' (versione originale sottotitolata)

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