FLASH REVIEW from the WORLD by: "FILMINK, Australia" - Dal 13 MAGGIO
(The Extra Man; USA/FRANCIA 2010; commedia; 108'; Produz.: 3 Arts Entertainment/Likely Story/Tax Credit Finance/Wild Bunch; Distribuz.: BIM)
Titolo in italiano: Un perfetto gentiluomo
Titolo in lingua originale:
The Extra Man
Anno di produzione:
Anno di uscita:
Regia: Shari Springer Berman Robert Pulcini
Robert Pulcini, Shari Springer Berman e Jonathan Ames
Cast: Kevin Kline (Henry Harrison) Katie Holmes (Mary Powell ) John C. Reilly (Gershon Gruen) Paul Dano (Louis Ives) Alicia Goranson (Sandra ) John Leighton (Valet ) Victoria Barabas (Daisy ) Lauren Weisman (studentessa ) Lisa Brescia (insegnante ) Graeme Malcolm (narratore inglese) Beth Fowler (Ms. Marsh ) John Pankow (George )
Musica: Klaus Badelt
Costumi: Suttirat Anne Larlarb
Scenografia: Judy Becker
Fotografia: Terry Stacey
Montaggio: Robert Pulcini
Makeup: Tina LaSpina
Casting: Ann Goulder
Scheda film aggiornata al:
25 Novembre 2012
Louis Ives (Paul Dano) è un sensibile aspirante scrittore che sogna di diventare il nuovo Francis Scott Fitzgerald. Quando viene sorpreso in una imbarazzante situazione, Louis decide che il licenziamento è la soluzione migliore per lui: si trasferirĂ a New York e finalmente potrĂ condurre la vita che il destino gli ha riservato. Come ogni tipico artista che fa la fame, Louis riesce a trovare alloggio condividendo un minuscolo appartamento con Henry Harrison (kevin kline). Uomo dai gusti peculiari, dalla perfetta sintassi e senza una particolare occupazione, Louis rimane presto affascinato dalla bizzarra storia personale di Henry e dai suoi imprevedibili impegni. A quanto pare Henry è un âextra manâ â un accompagnatore per facoltose donne in etĂ avanzata. Mentre Henry gli insegna ad entrare gratis all'opera e a mescolarsi con l'alta societĂ , Louis scopre una rete di ruffiani e di scrocconi, per la maggior parte apertamente disprezzati dallo stesso Henry.
A man who escorts wealthy widows in New York's Upper East Side takes a young aspiring playwright under his wing.
Commento critico (a cura di ANDREW MORAITIS, FILMINK Australia)
FLASH REVIEW: "Too clever for its own good, this film moves abruptly between serious drama and broad comedy".
With The Extra Man, husband-and-wife filmmakers Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini have developed an unfortunate case of the quirks, placing them into a small sub-set of independent American filmmakers like Jared Hess (Napoleon Dynamite) and Zach Braff (Garden State) who favour arch cleverness and smug pretention over genuine, sincere engagement with their characters.
An adaptation of the 1998 novel by Jonathan Ames, The Extra Man stars There Will Be Blood's Paul Dano as Louis Ives, a former teacher whose proclivities for cross dressing have led to his termination from an Ivy League college. Moving to New York for the first time, Louis is mentored by roommate Henry Harrison (Kevin Kline), an "extra man", or society walker, who provides wealthy widows with male company.
With a barrage of funny names, "comedy" accents, one-dimensional quirks, and |
unsatisfactory slapstick, The Extra Man is an uneasy blend of comedy and drama. Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini - who made their name with the revered comic book adaptation American Splendor, but impressed no-one with their follow-up, The Nanny Diaries - lunge from fairytale to broad farce to relationship drama with minimal finesse.
The writer-directors posit their adaptation as a wry, modern fable, but their clever-clever approach soon becomes a case of "quirk-overload." The performances suffer from this uneven approach. Kline is an extremely gifted stage and screen comedian, capable of giving subtle (The Ice Storm) and not-so-subtle (In & Out, A Fish Called Wanda) comic turns, but he needs a firmer hand behind the camera, with the filmmakers here allowing the Oscar winner to give a broad, bombastic performance. An old man in a younger man's body, Dano fares better, and - like Kline - is even affecting in |
the later stages, but is undermined by Pulcini and Springer Berman's pompous attempts at humour. |
Nota: Si ringrazia Orazio Bernardi (QuattroZeroQuattro)
Galleria Fotografica:
Galleria Video:
Un perfetto gentiluomo - trailer
Un perfetto gentiluomo - clip 1
Un perfetto gentiluomo - clip 2
Un perfetto gentiluomo - clip 3
Il giudizio della critica
The Best of Review
International Press
ROB THOMAS, "Wisconsin State Journal"
"'Extra Man' is a loving ode to the eccentrics of New York, and a wish that even in today's Disneyfied Manhattan, the city will always make room for the weirdos, too". |
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