Dal 59. Festival del Cinema di Berlino - Uscito negli Usa il 16 Ottobre 2009 - Inedito in Italia
(Happy Tears; Usa 2009; Dramedy; 95'; Produz.: Pierpoline Films, Susceptible, Talent Beach Productions)
(See Flash Review by Leslie Felperin, "www.variety.com", here - Voice: 'Il giudizio della critica' - 'International Press')
Titolo in italiano: Happy Tears
Titolo in lingua originale:
Happy Tears
Anno di produzione:
Anno di uscita:
Regia: Mitchell Lichtenstein
Mitchell Lichtenstein
Cast: Demi Moore (Laura) Parker Posey (Jayne) Rip Torn (Joe) Ellen Barkin (Shelly) Christian Camargo (Jackson) Sebastian RochĂŠ (Laurent) Jennifer Wiener (Mecenate della Galleria d'Arte) Victor Slezak (Eli Bell) Billy Magnussen (Ray) T. Ryder Smith (commesso alla boutique di scarpe Buzzard)
Musica: Robert Miller
Costumi: Stacey Battat
Scenografia: Paul Avery
Fotografia: Jamie Anderson
Montaggio: Joe Landauer
Makeup: Tricia Sawyer (per Demi Moore)
Scheda film aggiornata al:
19 Luglio 2024
Le sorelle Jayne (Parker Posey) e Laura (Demi Moore) tornano a vivere nella casa natale per accudire il settantenne padre Joe (Rip Torn) che sta precipitando nella demenza senile, ma le loro posizioni riguardo al suo stato di salute sono molto diverse. Jayne, che vive in modo piuttosto fantasioso con il compagno mercante d'arte, crede che la situazione non sia cosÏ grave e sfugge costantemente dalle responsabilità , mentre Laura, tre figli e una vita scandita dagli impegni come ambientalista, è convinta che il padre abbia bisogno di un'assistenza continua. Dal canto suo, Joe non sembra interessarsi ai litigi delle figlie e preferisce passare il tempo a suonare la chitarra e occuparsi dalla sua infermiera-amante Shelly (Ellen Barkin). La convivenza forzata finirà col mettere a nudo differenze e tensioni mai svelate tra le sorelle.
Two sisters return home to deal with their ailing father, only to face some surprising situations.
Jayne and Laura are about to take on the first man they just might not be able to handle: their seventy-something-year-old father Joe. Dutiful daughters returning to the house they grew up in, Jayne and Laura are forced to take a closer look at their own not-so-perfect lives while dodging childhood memories. Laura suspects that Joe needs full-time care, but Jayne hopes that their father's condition isn't that serious. Joe is still singing and playing his old guitar, and the lively widower even has a new "ladyfriend," shameless and sassy Shelly. But as the visible moments of their father's impending senility increase, so do the dysfunctional family dynamics. Tensions flare as the close sisters must also juggle their own very different lives - Laura's busy schedule as an environmentalist and mother of two small children, and Jayne, desperate to finally have a baby with her workaholic art-dealing husband Jackson. Their adventures back home are not without magic, mischief and mayhem, and even a search for buried treasure in the backyard! Any tears that Jayne and Laura might shed will be happy ones.
Galleria Fotografica:
Il giudizio della critica
The Best of Review
International Press
LESLIE FELPERIN (www.variety.com):
âLike its almost oxymoronic title, indie pic âHappy Tearsâ is a contradictory creature, both insightful and dumb, sometimes innovative and sometimes just plain inept. Dreamy, funny but also weirdly disjointed, itâs as if the very film itself were stoned, just like its two pot-smoking sister protags (Parker Posey and Demi Moore) who come to Pittsburgh to sort out their dementia-afflicted dad (Rip Torn). Sophomore outing for writer-helmer Mitchell Lichtenstein wonât be able to count on the same horror fan base Lichtensteinâs clever-stupid debut âTeethâ had for backup, but handled right, âTearsâ could make adventurous distribs moderately happy, especially in ancillary.â
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