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    Da Venezia 80. - Orizzonti Extra - Liam Neeson in cerca di redenzione dopo una vita di peccati - Dal 17 Luglio

    "Cresciuto nel Midwest degli Stati Uniti, ho abbracciato con passione il cinema come strumento per sfuggire ai ristretti orizzonti del piccolo mondo in cui vivevo. Oggi, come regista, nulla mi attrae di più che immergermi in un nuovo soggetto, tuffarmi sotto la superficie e indagare un’esperienza umana sconosciuta, e trovare un modo emozionante per condividerla con gli altri attraverso il cinema.
    Ecco percheÌ sono approdato con entusiasmo al film In the Land of Saints and Sinners. Si trattava di una storia originale, ambientata in un tempo e in un luogo speciali, con un cast straordinario di personaggi. Il film racconta la storia di un irlandese che deve scegliere tra mantenere segreto il suo vergognoso passato o rivelarlo per proteggere i suoi amici e i suoi vicini dai fuorilegge che sono piombati nel loro tranquillo villaggio costiero. Ho cercato di realizzare un film intessuto di autenticitaÌ€ e realismo. Dalla trama dei costumi d’epoca agli epici paesaggi costieri a fare da sfondo, fino al cast interamente irlandese con i suoi accenti singolari, l’obiettivo era quello di trasportare il pubblico in questo mondo unico regalandogli un’avventura unica e avvincente
    Il regista Robert Lorenz

    (In the Land of Saints and Sinners; Irlanda 2023; Thriller; 106'; Produz.: Facing East Entertainment, RagBag Pictures in associazione con: London Town Films, Bleiberg Entertainment, Davis-Films, Great Point Media, Merlin Films, Prodigal Films; Distribuz.: Vertice 360)

    Locandina italiana L'ultima vendetta

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    Celluloid Portraits:

    See Detailed Storyline

    Titolo in italiano: L'ultima vendetta

    Titolo in lingua originale: In the Land of Saints and Sinners

    Anno di produzione: 2023

    Anno di uscita: 2024

    Regia: Robert Lorenz

    Sceneggiatura: Terry Loane, Mark Michael McNally

    Cast: Liam Neeson (Finbar Murphy)
    Kerry Condon (Doireann McCann)
    Ciaran Hinds (Vinny O'Shea)
    Sarah Greene (Sinéad)
    Jack Gleeson (Kevin)
    Colm Meaney (Robert McQue)
    Niamh Cusack (Rita Quinn)
    Michelle Gleeson (Moya)
    Conor MacNeill (Conan McGrath)
    Desmond Eastwood (Curtis June)

    Musica: Diego, Lionel e Nora Baldenweg

    Costumi: Leonie Prendergast

    Scenografia: Derek Wallace

    Fotografia: Tom Stern

    Montaggio: Jeremiah O'Driscoll

    Effetti Speciali: Aidan e Brendan Byrne, Ryan McNeill (supervisori)

    Casting: Louise Kiely, Karen Scully

    Scheda film aggiornata al: 22 Luglio 2024


    In breve:

    In un piccolo villaggio irlandese, un ex sicario (Liam Neeson) si trova coinvolto nel sadico gioco di un gruppo di terroristi in cerca di vendetta. Il nostro protagonista dovrà fare i conti con un passato segnato dal peccato e da scelte sbagliate. Questa sarà per lui un’occasione di redenzione. Si mette così alla caccia di questi tre criminali in una vera e propria lotta contro il male. Ma il prezzo da pagare si rivelerà altissimo perché nessuno è santo e tutti sono peccatori.

    In altre parole:

    Irlanda, anni Settanta. Ansioso di lasciarsi alle spalle il proprio oscuro passato, Finbar Murphy (Liam Neeson) conduce una vita tranquilla nella remota cittadina costiera di Glencolmcille, lontano dalla violenza politica che attanaglia il resto del Paese. Quando arriva una minacciosa banda di terroristi, guidata da una donna spietata di nome Doireann (Kerry Condo), Finbar scopre presto che uno di loro ha abusato di una ragazzina del posto. Finbar si ritrova così a dover decidere se rivelare la sua identità segreta o difendere la sua comunità e i suoi amici. Nella terra dei santi e dei peccatori ci sono peccati che non possono essere sepolti.

    Detailed Storyline:

    During the Troubles, four members of the Provisional Irish Republican Army come to the Irish coastal town of Glencolmcille, County Donegal to lay low after a car-bombing in Belfast kills three children and witnesses identify two of the bombers to the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC). They stay with Sinéad, the local pub keeper, who is Curtis' sister-in-law.

    Finbar Murphy lives a quiet life in Glencolmcille. When he returned from the Second World War, he found his wife had died and he fell into an alcohol-fueled depression. A local crime boss, Robert McQue, rescued him from the bottle and put him to work using his combat experience as a contract killer. Posing as a book-seller, he is friendly with the local Garda officer, Vinnie, and his neighbour, Rita. He travels to Bantry, Co. Cork,[5] and, kidnaps a target in a routine job. The target is a former contract killer, who urges him to make something of the rest of his life. He ends his relationship with Robert when he collects on the killing, which forces Robert to rely on Kevin, a troubled youth, for future jobs.

    The IRA members quickly eat all of the food in the pub and Curtis savagely beats Sinéad's daughter, Moya and bids her to find more. When Finbar discovers her bruises, Moya is too afraid to reveal the culprit to him or her mother. Finbar goes for advice to Robert, who warns that the Garda are unlikely to make an arrest unless she comes forward and if he were to call on her behalf, it may lead to additional scrutiny of their criminal affairs. Finbar lures Curtis into his car and driving him to the forested grove where he secretly buries his victims. Curtis pulls a knife and Finbar only survives because Kevin, having been sent by Robert to keep an eye on Finbar, snipes Curtis in the head. They bond over their dreams for the future but Finbar finds Kevin's cavalier attitude toward killings distasteful.

    When Curtis fails to return to the pub, his sister Doireann gets a tip that the local mob boss may have information. She confronts Robert who feigns ignorance until she discovers evidence that he was concealing a friend's role in Curtis' death. She kills Robert after he discloses Finbar's name and forces her fellows to help locate him. Finbar and Kevin console Robert's mother as Doireann ransacks Finbar's house and attacks Rita. Finbar attempts to calm the situation by observing that they have each lost someone close to them and should call it even. Doireann rejects the offer, believing that her brother's death was a contract killing and demands to know who hired him. Finbar offers to deliver the "client" in exchange for their departure. Doireann insists that they rendezvous at Sinéad's bar.

    Finbar tries to convince Kevin to follow his dream of moving to California to write songs by giving his savings. At the bar, Doireann instructs her men to cover her, with Conan inside as backup and Séamus in the getaway vehicle, with instructions to use a spare bomb to blow up the tavern if Finbar tries to escape. Vinnie suspects the two men when he notices that their car has scratches that match property damage from one of his investigations. During a tense conversation between Finbar and Doireann, Kevin returns to butt in and try to defuse it. Doireann shoots him in the gut, starting a shootout. As Kevin bleeds, he shoots Doireann in the shoulder and saves Finbar again from one of the attackers before Doireann shoots him in the head as she makes her escape. Vinnie manages to take the bomb out of the bar but then Séamus exits the car to reclaim it, and brings it to the bar. Finbar shoots him before he can toss it back in and it explodes, killing Séamus. Doireann makes it back up the car but is unable to start the car without the keys, which Séamus had. Mortally wounded, Doireann limps to a church while Finbar follows her. After a brief conversation, she dies from her wounds. Finbar takes her and buries her next to her brother. Finbar bids farewell to Rita and leaves Glencolmcille behind


    • Liam Neeson

    • Ciaran Hinds

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    Galleria Video:

    L'ultima vendetta - trailer ufficiale

    L'ultima vendetta - trailer ufficiale (V.O.) - In the Land of Saints and Sinners

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