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    I ‘RECUPERATI’ di ‘CelluloidPortraits’ - Tratto dal romanzo omonimo di Charles Martin e diretto da Hany Abu-Asad il film vede protagonisti Kate Winslet e Idris Elba - Dal 23 Novembre

    (The Mountain Between Us; USA 2017; Avventura drammatica; 103'; Produz.: Chernin Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation; Distribuz.: 20th Century Fox)

    Locandina italiana Il domani tra di noi

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    Celluloid Portraits:

    See Storyline

    Titolo in italiano: Il domani tra di noi

    Titolo in lingua originale: The Mountain Between Us

    Anno di produzione: 2017

    Anno di uscita: 2017

    Regia: Hany Abu-Assad

    Sceneggiatura: Chris Weitz

    Soggetto: Scritto da J. Mills Goodloe tratto dal romanzo Le parole tra di noi (The Mountain Between Us) di Charles Martin, pubblicato nel 2011.

    Cast: Idris Elba (Ben Bass)
    Kate Winslet (Alex Martin)
    Dermot Mulroney (Fidanzato di Alex)
    Beau Bridges (Walter)
    Lucia Walters (Dottoressa londinese)
    Lee Majdoub (Traduttore)
    Marci T. House (Rappresentante della compagnia aerea)
    Natasha Burnett (Infermiera londinese)
    Adam Lolacher (Joel)
    Tintswalo Khumbuza (Sarah)

    Musica: Ramin Djawadi

    Costumi: Renee Ehrlich Kalfus

    Scenografia: Patrice Vermette

    Fotografia: Mandy Walker

    Montaggio: Lee Percy

    Effetti Speciali: Paul Benjamin (supervisore)

    Makeup: Sian Grigg (makeup personale per Kate Winslet); Megan Tanner (makeup personale di Idris Elba)

    Scheda film aggiornata al: 11 Gennaio 2025


    Un medico, Ben (Idris Elba), e una fotoreporter, Alex (Kate Winslet), devono arrivare a Denver in serata, poiché la mattina successiva lui deve eseguire un intervento chirurgico su un bambino di 10 anni, mentre lei deve sposarsi. A causa di una tempesta, il volo viene cancellato; così la donna, avendo sentito che anche il chirurgo condivide la sua stessa necessità di partire con urgenza, gli propone di affittare un aereo privato per 800 $. Egli accetta, e così partono con un piccolo aeroplano a elica, guidato da un pilota in compagnia del suo cane, un Labrador retriever. Improvvisamente il pilota viene colpito da un ictus e, non riuscendo più a gestire i comandi, l’aereo precipita. Al risveglio, Ben, con due costole rotte, si accorge che il pilota è morto, mentre Alex si trova ferita a una gamba. I due si ritrovano a dover sopravvivere tra le montagne del Colorado, coperte di neve. Per giorni, rimangono nel relitto dell’aeroplano insieme al cane; successivamente trovano rifugio in una casa abbandonata. Resisi conto che, in quel posto, nessuno li avrebbe trovati e soccorsi, decidono coraggiosamente di intraprendere un rischioso viaggio verso valle. Tornati in città, finiranno con l'amarsi.


    After their flight is canceled due to stormy weather, neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Bass (Idris Elba) and photojournalist Alex Martin (Kate Winslet) hire private pilot Walter (Beau Bridges) to get them from Idaho to Denver for connecting flights to Alex's wedding in New York and Ben's emergency surgery appointment in Baltimore. Walter, who has not filed a flight plan, suffers a fatal stroke mid-flight, and the plane crashes on a mountaintop in the High Uintas Wilderness. Ben, Alex, and Walter's Labrador Retriever survive the crash but Alex has injured her leg quite badly. Ben attends to her cuts and injured knee, and buries the pilot while she is unconscious.

    Once conscious, Alex thinks Ben has a better chance of finding help if he leaves her behind, but Ben refuses. Stranded for days with dwindling supplies, Alex grows skeptical that they will be rescued, although Ben wants to wait for help with the plane's wreckage. He agrees to climb a ridge to see if there is any sign of a road, but sees nothing but mountains and narrowly avoids falling down the side.

    Alex goes through Ben's things and listens to a message from his wife saying, 'I'm glad to have had this time with you'. Alex is found by a cougar, who viciously fights and wounds the dog. She shoots a flare at the big cat, killing it. The dog returns and later, when Ben comes back he tends to the dog’s wounds. They cook the cougar's corpse giving them, Ben thinks, ten days of food.

    The two argue over waiting for rescue or descending the mountain to find help/a phone signal. Alex starts a lone descent down the mountain. Ben catches up, having located the tail end of the plane he finds a beacon - but it is smashed. The two hike down to the tree-line and spend the night in a cave.

    Using her telephoto lens, Alex thinks she sees a cabin. At the same time that Alex falls into freezing water, Ben comes across the empty cabin. He pulls her out, but she remains unconscious and severely dehydrated. Ben again saves her life by fashioning an IV. They stay there for several days while Alex recovers; Ben reveals that his wife died two years prior from a brain tumor. Eventually they have sex. As he sleeps, Alex takes his picture. Later, she again tells Ben to leave her behind to find help. Ben initially agrees but soon returns; they press forward again.

    The dog alerts them to a nearby timber yard. On their way toward it, Ben's leg gets caught in a bear trap. Alex cannot free him, but she reaches the yard and collapses in front of an approaching truck. Ben awakens in a hospital and goes to Alex's room, where he finds her with Mark (Dermot Mulroney), her fiancé. After a brief conversation, Ben leaves, heartbroken.

    Ben and Alex go their separate ways after the hospital, with Ben keeping the dog. Alex tries calling Ben, but he ignores her calls until she sends him photos she had taken on the mountain, writing that only he can understand them. This encourages Ben to call Alex. They meet at a restaurant in New York, where it is revealed that Alex is now a part-time teacher, and Ben is a consultant at trauma clinics in London because his frostbitten hands will not recover sufficiently for him to perform surgery again. Ben says he did not call Alex because he thought she had married; Alex says she could not go through with it because she fell in love with Ben. Outside the restaurant, Ben admits to Alex that they survived because they fell in love. Alex dismisses her feelings and reminds Ben of something he said on the mountain: "the heart is just a muscle." She tells him she does not know how they could be together in the real world. They hug goodbye, and begin to depart in opposite directions. While walking away both become distraught, and finally turn and begin running back to each other. A split second before the two embrace, the screen cuts to black and the credits roll.

    Commento critico (a cura di PATRIZIA FERRETTI)

    (Coming Soon...)


    • Kate Winslet

    • Idris Elba

    • Dermot Mulroney

    1 | 2

    Galleria Video:

    Il domani tra di noi - secondo trailer ufficiale

    Il domani tra di noi - trailer ufficiale

    Il domani tra di noi - trailer ufficiale (V.O.) - The Mountain Between Us

    Il domani tra di noi - secondo trailer ufficiale (V.O.) - The Mountain Between Us

    Il domani tra di noi - terzo trailer ufficiale (V.O.) - The Mountain Between Us

    Il domani tra di noi - full trailer ufficiale (V.O.) - The Mountain Between Us

    Il domani tra di noi - spot 'Il destino può cambiarti la vita'

    Il domani tra di noi - spot 'Non smettere mai di sperare'

    Il domani tra di noi - clip 'Riusciranno a sopravvivere?'

    Il domani tra di noi - clip 'Non moriremo oggi'

    Il domani tra di noi - featurette 'Il destino li ha fatti unire' (sub ITA)

    Il domani tra di noi - featurette 'Un set pericoloso' (sub ITA)

    Il domani tra di noi - featurette 'Intervista al regista' (sub ITA)

    Il domani tra di noi - featurette 'Intervista a Kate Winslet' (sub ITA)

    Il domani tra di noi - featurette 'Intervista a Idris Elba' (sub ITA)

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