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    Berlinale 2018 - IL PROGRAMMA COMPLETO

    L'isola dei cani di Wes Anderson è il film d'apertura. A Willem Dafoe l'Orso d'oro Onorario alla carriera

    07/02/2018 - Apre giovedì 15 febbraio per chiudersi domenica 25 il Festival di Berlino 2018 che inaugura con la proiezione del nuovo film di Wes Anderson, L'isola dei cani, in concorso per l'Orso d'Oro.

    La Giuria è presieduta da Tom Tykwer: col regista tedesco, hanno il compito di premiare i concorrenti con l'Orso d'oro e con gli altri premi, Cécile de France, Chema Prado, Adele Romanski, Ryūichi Sakamoto e Stephanie Zacharek.

    La 68. Berlinale omaggia Willem Dafoe (candidato all'Oscar 2018 per The Florida Project) con l'Orso d'oro Onorario alla carriera. La Berlinale 2018 proietterà una selezione dei suoi film più famosi: da Vivere e morire a Los Angeles fino ad Antichrist.


    Competition (concorso e fuori concorso):

    3 Tage in Quiberon (3 Days in Quiberon) by Emily Atef (Germany / Austria / France)

    7 Days in Entebbe by José Padilha (USA / United Kingdom) – Out of competition

    Ága by Milko Lazarov (Bulgaria / Germany / France) – Out of competition
    Ang panahon ng halimaw (Season of the Devil) by Lav Diaz (Philippines)
    Black 47 by Lance Daly (Ireland / Luxembourg) – Out of competition

    Damsel by David Zellner and Nathan Zellner (USA)

    Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot by Gus Van Sant (USA)

    Dovlatov by Alexey German Jr. (Russian Federation / Poland / Serbia)
    Eldorado by Markus Imhoof (Switzerland / Germany) – Documentary, out of competition
    Eva by Benoit Jacquot (France)

    Figlia mia (Daughter of Mine) by Laura Bispuri (Italy / Germany / Switzerland)

    Las herederas (The Heiresses) by Marcelo Martinessi (Paraguay / Germany / Uruguay / Norway / Brazil / France) - First Feature
    In den Gängen (In the Aisles) by Thomas Stuber (Germany)

    Isle of Dogs by Wes Anderson (United Kingdom / Germany) – Animation

    Khook (Pig) by Mani Haghighi (Iran)
    Mein Bruder heißt Robert und ist ein Idiot (My Brother’s Name is Robert and He is an Idiot) by Philip Gröning (Germany / France / Switzerland)
    Museo (Museum) by Alonso Ruizpalacios (Mexico)
    La prière (The Prayer) by Cédric Kahn (France)
    Toppen av ingenting (The Real Estate) by Måns Månsson and Axel Petersén (Sweden / United Kingdom)
    Touch Me Not by Adina Pintilie (Romania / Germany / Czech Republic / Bulgaria / France) - First Feature
    Transit by Christian Petzold (Germany / France)
    Twarz (Mug) by Małgorzata Szumowska (Poland)

    Unsane by Steven Soderbergh (USA) – Out of competition

    Utøya 22. juli by Erik Poppe (Norway)

    Berlinale Special:

    AMERICA Land of the FreeKS by Ulli Lommel (Germany) – Documentary Form
    The Bookshop by Isabel Coixet (Spain / United Kingdom / Germany)
    The Happy Prince by Rupert Everett (Germany / Belgium / Italy)
    Gurrumul by Paul Williams (Australia) – Documentary, debut film
    The Interpreter by Martin Šulík (Slovak Republic / Czech Republic / Austria)
    Monster Hunt 2 by Raman Hui (People’s Republic of China / Hong Kong, China)
    RYŪICHI SAKAMOTO: async AT THE PARK AVENUE ARMORY by Stephen Nomura Schible (USA / Japan) – Documentary
    Das schweigende Klassenzimmer (The Silent Revolution) by Lars Kraume (Germany)
    Songwriter by Murray Cummings (United Kingdom) - Documentary
    Unga Astrid (Becoming Astrid) by Pernille Fischer Christensen (Sweden / Germany / Denmark)
    Usedom – Der freie Blick aufs Meer by Heinz Brinkmann (Germany) – Documentary
    Viaje a los Pueblos Fumigados (A Journey to the Fumigated Towns) by Fernando Solanas (Argentina) - Documentary

    Berlinale Special – Berlinale Series:

    Bad Banks - Director: Christian Schwochow - Head writer: Oliver Kienle, based on a concept by Lisa Blumenberg (Germany / Luxembourg)
    Heimebane (Home Ground) - Creator: Johan Fasting - Director: Arild Andresen (Norway)
    Liberty - Creator: Asger Leth - Director: Mikael Marcimain (Denmark)
    The Looming Tower - Creators: Dan Futterman, Alex Gibney, Lawrence Wright - Director: Alex Gibney - Written by Dan Futterman, based on the book by Lawrence Wright (USA)
    Picnic at Hanging Rock - Director: Larysa Kondracki (episodes 1-3 ) - Written by Beatrix Christian, Alice Addison (Australia)
    Sleeping Bears - Creator and director: Keren Margalit (Israel)
    The Terror - Showrunners: David Kajganich and Soo Hugh - Director: Edward Berger (episodes 1-3), (USA)

    Omaggio a Willem Dafoe:

    Antichrist (Denmark / Germany / France / Sweden / Italy / Poland 2009, Director: Lars von Trier)
    Auto Focus (USA 2002, Director: Paul Schrader)
    The Hunter (Australia 2011, Director: Daniel Nettheim)
    The Last Temptation of Christ (USA / Canada 1988, Director: Martin Scorsese)
    The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (USA 2004, Director: Wes Anderson)
    Mississippi Burning (USA 1988, Director: Alan Parker)
    Pasolini (France / Italy / Belgium 2014, Director: Abel Ferrara)
    Platoon (USA 1986, Director: Oliver Stone)
    Shadow of the Vampire (USA / United Kingdom / Luxembourg 2000, Director: E. Elias Merhige)
    To Live and Die in L.A. (USA 1985, Director: William Friedkin)


    Al Gami'ya (What Comes Around) - Lebanon / Egypt / Greece / Qatar / Slovenia'
    By Reem Saleh
    World premiere
    Až přijde válka (When the War Comes) - Czech Republic / Croatia
    By Jan Gebert
    World premiere
    La enfermedad del domingo (Sunday's Illness) - Spain
    By Ramón Salazar
    With Bárbara Lennie, Susi Sánchez, Greta Fernández, Miguel Ángel Solá, Richard Bohringer
    World premiere
    Familienleben (Family Life) - Germany
    By Rosa Hannah Ziegler
    World premiere
    Game Girls - France / Germany
    By Alina Skrzeszewska
    World premiere
    Garbage - India
    By Q
    With Tanmay Dhanania, Trimala Adhikari, Satarupa Das
    World premiere
    Generation Wealth - USA
    By Lauren Greenfield
    International premiere
    Genezis (Genesis) - Hungary
    By Árpád Bogdán
    With Anna Marie Cseh, Enikő Anna Illési, Milán Csordás
    World premiere
    Hojoom (Invasion) - Iran
    By Shahram Mokri
    With Abed Abest, Elaheh Bakhshi, Babak Karimi, Pedram Sharifi, Mehdi Etemad Saied
    International premiere
    Horizonti (Horizon) - Georgia / Sweden
    By Tinatin Kajrishvili
    With George Bochorishvili, Ia Sukhitashvili, Jano Izoria, Soso Gogichaishvili
    World premiere
    Hotel Jugoslavija - Switzerland
    By Nicolas Wagnières
    European premiere
    Inkan, gongkan, sikan grigo inkan (Human, Space, Time and Human) - Republic of Korea
    By Kim Ki-duk
    With Mina Fujii, Jang Keun-suk, Ahn Sung-ki, Lee Sung-jae, Ryoo Seung-bum, Sung Ki-youn, Joe Odagiri
    World premiere
    Je vois rouge (I See Red People) - France / Bulgaria
    By Bojina Panayotova
    World premiere
    Jibril - Germany
    By Henrika Kull
    With Susana Abdulmajid, Malik Adan, Doua Rahal, Emna El-Aouni
    World premiere
    Kinshasa Makambo - Democratic Republic of the Congo / France / Switzerland / Germany / Qatar / Norway
    By Dieudo Hamadi
    World premiere
    Koly padayut dereva (When the Trees Fall) - Ukraine / Poland / Macedonia
    By Marysia Nikitiuk
    With Anastasiia Pustovit, Sofia Halaimova, Maksym Samchyk, Mariia Svizhynska, Alla Samoilenko
    World premiere
    Land - Italy / France / Netherlands / Mexico
    By Babak Jalali
    With Rod Rondeaux, Florence Klein, James Coleman, Wilma Pelly
    World premiere
    Lemonade - Romania / Germany / Canada / Sweden
    By Ioana Uricaru
    With Mălina Manovici, Steve Bacic, Dylan Scott Smith, Milan Hurduc, Ruxandra Maniu
    World premiere
    Marilyn - Argentina / Chile
    By Martín Rodríguez Redondo
    With Walter Rodríguez, Catalina Saavedra, Germán de Silva, Ignacio Giménez, Rodolfo García Werner
    World premiere
    MATANGI / MAYA / M.I.A. - USA / United Kingdom / Sri Lanka
    By Steve Loveridge
    With Maya Arulpragasam
    International premiere
    Mes provinciales (A Paris Education) - France
    By Jean Paul Civeyrac
    With Andranic Manet, Corentin Fila, Gonzague Van Bervesselès, Diane Rouxel, Jenna Thiam, Sophie Verbeeck
    World premiere
    O processo (The Trial) – Brazil / Germany / Netherlands
    By Maria Ramos
    World premiere
    Ondes de choc - Journal de ma tête (Shock Waves - Diary of My Mind) - Switzerland
    By Ursula Meier
    With Fanny Ardant, Kacey Mottet-Klein, Jean-Philippe Ecoffey, Carlo Brandt, Stéphanie Blanchoud, Jean-Quentin Châtelain
    International premiere
    Ondes de choc - Prénom: Mathieu (Shock Waves - First Name: Mathieu) – Switzerland
    By Lionel Baier
    With Maxime Gorbatchevsky, Michel Vuillermoz, Ursina Lardi, Mickael Amman, Adrien Barazzone, Piere-Isaïe Duc, Nastassja Tanner
    International premiere
    Partisan - Germany
    By Lutz Pehnert, Matthias Ehlert, Adama Ulrich
    With Frank Castorf, Sophie Rois, Kathrin Angerer, Herbert Fritsch, Henry Hübchen, Alexander Scheer
    World premiere
    Rou qing shi (Girls Always Happy) - People's Republic of China
    By Yang Mingming
    With Nai An, Yang Mingming, Zhang Xianmin, Li Qinqin, Huang Wei, Yuan Li
    World premier
    Shakedown - USA
    By Leilah Weinraub
    World premiere
    Shut Up and Play the Piano - Germany / France / United Kingdom
    By Philipp Jedicke
    With Chilly Gonzales, Peaches , Leslie Feist, Sibylle Berg, Jarvis Cocker
    World premiere
    La terra dell'abbastanza (Boys Cry) - Italy
    By Damiano D'Innocenzo, Fabio D'Innocenzo
    With Matteo Olivetti, Andrea Carpenzano, Milena Mancini, Max Tortora, Luca Zingaretti
    World premiere
    The Silence of Others - USA / Spain
    By Almudena Carracedo, Robert Bahar
    World premiere
    The Silk and the Flame - USA
    By Jordan Schiele
    World premiere
    Styx - Germany / Austria
    By Wolfgang Fischer
    With Susanne Wolff, Gedion Oduor Wekesa
    World premiere
    Tinta bruta (Hard Paint) - Brazil
    By Marcio Reolon, Filipe Matzembacher
    With Shico Menegat, Bruno Fernandes, Guega Peixoto, Sandra Dani, Frederico Vasques
    World premiere
    Trinta Lumes (Thirty Souls) - Spain
    By Diana Toucedo
    With Alba Arias, Samuel Vilariño
    World premiere
    Xiao Mei - Taiwan
    By Maren Hwang
    With Chen Yi-Wen, Liu Kuan-Ting, Na Dow, Wu Chien-Ho, Yin Shin, Laurence Chiu, Chang Shao-Huai, Samantha Ko, Wu Kang-Jen, Jao Cincin
    World premiere
    Yardie – United Kingdom
    By Idris Elba
    With Aml Ameen, Shantol Jackson, Stephen Graham, Fraser James, Sheldon Shepherd, Everaldo Creary
    European premiere
    L'Animale – Austria
    By Katharina Mückstein
    With Sophie Stockinger, Kathrin Resetarits, Dominik Warta, Julia Franz Richter, Jack Hofer, Dominic Marcus Singer, Simon Morzé
    World premiere
    Bixa Travesty (Tranny Fag) – Brazil
    By Claudia Priscilla, Kiko Goifman
    With Linn da Quebrada, Jup do Bairro, Liniker
    World premiere
    Ex Pajé (Ex Shaman) – Brazil
    By Luiz Bolognesi
    World premiere
    Malambo, el hombre bueno (Malambo, the Good Man) – Argentina
    By Santiago Loza
    With Gaspar Jofre, Fernando Muñoz, Pablo Lugones, Nubecita Vargas, Gabriela Pastor, Carlos Defeo
    World premiere
    Obscuro Barroco – France / Greece
    By Evangelia Kranioti
    World premiere
    La omisión (The Omission) – Argentina / The Netherlands / Switzerland
    By Sebastián Schjaer
    With Sofía Brito, Lisandro Rodriguez, Malena Hernández Díaz, Victoria Raposo, Pablo Sigal
    World premiere
    Profile – USA / UK / Cyprus
    By Timur Bekmambetov
    With Valene Kane, Shazad Latif, Christine Adams, Morgan Watkins, Amir Rahimzadeh
    World premiere
    River's Edge – Japan
    By Isao Yukisada
    With Fumi Nikaidou, Ryo Yoshizawa, SUMIRE , Shiori Doi, Aoi Morikawa
    International premiere
    That Summer – Sweden / Denmark / USA
    By Göran Hugo Olsson
    With Peter Beard, Lee Radziwill, Edith Ewing Bouvier Beale, Edith Bouvier Beale, Andy Warhol
    European premiere
    Yocho (Yocho (Foreboding) – Japan
    By Kiyoshi Kurosawa
    With Kaho, Shota Sometani, Masahiro Higashide
    European premiere
    Zentralflughafen THF (Central Airport THF) – Germany / Brazil / France
    By Karim Aïnouz
    World premiere


    14 Apples by Midi Z, Taiwan / Myanmar – WP
    Afrique, la pensée en mouvement Part I by Jean-Pierre Bekolo, Senegal – IP
    Aggregat (Aggregate) by Marie Wilke, Germany – WP
    Amiko by Yoko Yamanaka, Japan – IP
    Apatride (Stateless) by Narjiss Nejjar, Morocco – WP
    Aufbruch (Departure) by Ludwig Wüst, Austria – WP
    La cama (The Bed) by Mónica Lairana, Argentina / Germany / Netherlands / Brazil – WP
    La casa lobo (The Wolf House) by Joaquín Cociña, Cristóbal León, Chile – WP
    Casanovagen (Casanova Gene) by Luise Donschen, Germany – WP
    Classical Period by Ted Fendt, USA – WP
    Con el viento (Facing the Wind) by Meritxell Colell Aparicio, Spain / France / Argentina – WP
    Los débiles (The Weak Ones) by Raúl Rico, Eduardo Giralt Brun, Mexico – WP
    Den' Pobedy (Victory Day) by Sergei Loznitsa, Germany – WP
    Die Tomorrow by Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit, Thailand – IP
    Djamilia (Jamila) by Aminatou Echard, France – WP
    Drvo (The Tree) by André Gil Mata, Portugal / Bosnia and Herzegovina – WP
    L'empire de la perfection (In the Realm of Perfection) by Julien Faraut, France – WP
    An Elephant Sitting Still by Hu Bo, People’s Republic of China – WP
    Fotbal Infinit (Infinite Football) by Corneliu Porumboiu, Romania – WP
    Grass by Hong Sangsoo, Republic of Korea – WP
    The Green Fog by Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, USA / Canada
    + Accidence by Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, Canada – WP
    Interchange by Brian M. Cassidy, Melanie Shatzky, Canada – WP
    Jahilya by Hicham Lasri, Morocco – WP
    Kaotični život Nade Kadić (The Chaotic Life of Nada Kadić) by Marta Hernaiz, Mexico / Bosnia and Herzegovina – WP
    Last Child by Shin Dong-seok, Republic of Korea – IP
    Madeline's Madeline by Josephine Decker, USA – IP
    Maki'la by Machérie Ekwa Bahango, Democratic Republic of the Congo / France – WP
    Mariphasa by Sandro Aguilar, Portugal – WP
    Minatomachi (Inland Sea) by Kazuhiro Soda, Japan/USA – WP
    Notes On an Appearance by Ricky D'Ambrose, USA – WP
    Old Love by Park Kiyong, Republic of Korea – IP
    Our House by Yui Kiyohara, Japan – IP
    Our Madness by João Viana, Mozambique / Guinea-Bissau / Qatar / Portugal / France – WP
    Premières armes (First Stripes) by Jean-François Caissy, Canada – WP
    Premières solitudes (Young Solitude) by Claire Simon, France – WP
    SPK Komplex (SPK Complex) by Gerd Kroske, Germany – WP
    Syn (The Son) by Alexander Abaturov, France / Russian Federation – WP
    Teatro de guerra (Theatre of War) by Lola Arias, Argentinia / Spain – WP
    Tuzdan Kaide (The Pillar of Salt) by Burak Çevik, Turkey – WP
    Unas preguntas (One or Two Questions) by Kristina Konrad, Germany / Uruguay – WP
    Waldheims Walzer (The Waldheim Waltz) by Ruth Beckermann, Austria – WP
    Wieża. Jasny dzień. (Tower. A Bright Day.) by Jagoda Szelc, Poland – IP
    Wild Relatives by Jumana Manna, Germany / Lebanon / Norway – WP
    Yours in Sisterhood by Irene Lusztig, USA-WP

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