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    63. Festival del Cinema di CANNES (12-23 Maggio 2010) - UNA QUESTIONE DI STILE, A COMINCIARE DAL POSTER. Perché, come diceva JEAN COCTEAU, 'Il cinema è la moderna forma di scrittura e la luce è il suo inchiostro'

    ANNICK DURBAN è il Graphic Designer che lo ha elaborato. In un'intervista a cura di Alexandre Mouawad la dinamica di genesi e creazione.

    10/04/2010 - «Cinema is the modern form of writing, and light is the ink» - Jean Cocteau

    Where did you get the idea for the poster from? How did you create it?

    ANNICK DURBAN: "At first, it's an encounter with Brigitte Lacombe's photography. Quite simply, this idea seemed the obvious choice: she was holding a paintbrush in her hand and I wanted to make her paint or write with the ink of light. The most surprising thing is that this project is practically unchanged from its original form, which is quite unusual".

    What has changed?

    A. DURBAN: "The coloured atmosphere has changed a little. The background, a little like it is in semi-darkness, a little like in a darkened cinema room, a little like studio Harcourt… Other than that, the calligraphy has stayed the same".

    And the quote that is underlined on this page?

    A. DURBAN: "I used this quote by Cocteau a few years ago in a publication, and it came to my mind as I was tracing the letters. I like the idea of telling a story with light".

    How did you create the 'Cannes'?

    A. DURBAN: "In the project stage, I tinkered with Photoshop. Next, I took pictures at home using a flashlight in semi-darkness as you might expect, to try to write different things, and that is how the idea was given more depth".

    Do you know Picasso's Drawings with Light?

    A. DURBAN: "I have seen them, yes. Gjon Mili’s pictures for Life. Who's never traced fleeting letters in the dark with a source of light? Light painting is used by many artists today. Rap artists have developed innovative clips".

    How do you understand your job as a graphic designer compared to that of an artist?

    A. DURBAN: "I've never compared these two jobs. The graphic designer must convey a message that isn't his or hers. He or she must make it perceptive. The artistic aspect is probably in the way this message is illustrated to make is as 'attractive' as possible".

    On the poster, it looks like she's hiding…

    A. DURBAN: "Yes, she's the star who is not seeking attention. She's not flaunting herself or her glamour. She's in the darkness. A shadow is cast over her face. As if to leave room for something else… Presumably to cinema. And to the Festival".

    (Interwiew by Alexandre Mouawad) from:


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