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    68° Festival del Cinema di Cannes (13-24 maggio 2015) - DAILY: lunedì 18 Maggio 2015

    18/05/2015 - MEET - Xavier Dolan : "As long as there's still a bit of spontaneity, there's art"

    the 18.05.2015 at 9:00 AM - Updated on 18.05.2015 at 9:18 AM

    Cinema's child prodigy has grown up. After five films in five years and a Prix du Jury in 2014, Xavier Dolan is back to Cannes within the ranks of the Jury chaired by the Coen brothers. Interview on the heart of the creative processes of a rocket-powered genius.

    COMPETITION - Stéphane Brizé questions the law of market forces

    the 18.05.2015 at 9:00 AM - Updated on 18.05.2015 at 9:21 AM

    For his first appearance in the Festival de Cannes Official Selection, director Stéphane Brizé presents his film La Loi du Marché (The Measure Of A Man) in Competition. Vincent Lindon and a supporting cast of non-professional actors convey a deeply intimate social drama.

    Monday 18 May / Grand Théâtre Lumière / 8.30 am - 4.30 pm

    OUT OF COMPETITION - Pete Docter and a rollercoaster of emotions

    the 18.05.2015 at 9:00 AM - Updated on 18.05.2015 at 9:38 AM

    Six years after the success of Up, the brilliant creator of Monsters, Inc., Pete Docter is back with Inside Out. Featuring in this year's Official Selection, the film brims with humour as it follows the adventures of Joy, Fear, Sadness, Anger and Disgust, five highly colourful characters whose job is to manage the emotions of Riley, an eleven-year-old girl in the throes of adolescent crisis. Pete Docter explains.

    Monday 18 May / Grand Théâtre Lumière / 11 am - 7.15 pm

    CANNES CLASSICS - The Story of the Last Chrysanthemums, a romance of old Japan

    the 18.05.2015 at 9:00 AM - Updated on 18.05.2015 at 9:48 AM

    Zangiku Monogatari (The Story of the Last Chrysanthemums) is not the best-known of the films presented in Cannes Classics. Which is one of a number of good reasons to discover this sensitive work by Kenji Mizoguchi, filmed in pre-war sepia in Japan in 1939. In Tokyo at the end of the 19th century, Kikunosuke Onoue comes from a long line of actors of the traditional Japanese kabuki theatre.

    Monday 18 May / Buñuel Theatre / 12pm

    UN CERTAIN REGARD - Cemetery of Splendour, interview with Apichatpong Weerasethakul

    the 18.05.2015 at 9:00 AM - Updated on 18.05.2015 at 9:29 AM

    The Thai director Apitchapong Weerasethakul was first revealed in the Cinéfondation section at the Atelier du Festival. He won an award in the "Un Certain Regard" category in 2002 for Blissfully Yours, followed by the Prix du Jury for Tropical Malady in 2004 and subsequently the Palme d'or in 2010 for 'Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives'. He returns again this year in the Selection for Un Certain Regard with 'Cemetery of Splendour' (Rak ti Khon Kae), the story of soldiers mysteriously affected by a sleeping disorder.

    Monday 18 May / Debussy Theatre / 2:00 PM-10.00 PM

    COMPETITION - Uneasy portraits by Joachim Trier

    the 18.05.2015 at 9:00 AM - Updated on 18.05.2015 at 9:40 AM

    Four years after his melancholy Oslo, August 31st, the Norwegian film maker once again looks deep into the souls of his characters in Louder Than Bombs, his third full length feature. Film still © RRWhether they are leaders or lookers-on, just passers-by in his story or central to its coherence, his characters have always guided the the cinematic intentions dear to Joachim Trier.

    Monday 18 May/ Grand Théâtre Lumière / 1.30pm - 10pm

    UN CERTAIN REGARD - Las Elegidas (The Chosen Ones), interview with David Pablos

    the 18.05.2015 at 9:00 AM - Updated on 18.05.2015 at 9:30 AM

    Mexican film-maker David Pablos makes his debut in the 2015 Cannes Selection with a second feature film, Las Elegidas (The Chosen Ones), filmed in his hometown of Tijuana. He returns to some favourite themes: family and abandonment.

    Monday 18 May / Debussy Theatre / 2 pm - 10 pm


    Fonte: Sito Ufficiale Festival del Cinema di Cannes

    Editoriali recenti

    29/01/2025 - César 2025 - TUTTE LE NOMINATIONS: La cerimonia, che si svolgerà il 28 febbraio all’Olympia di Parigi, vedrà protagonisti anche Julia Roberts e Costa-Gavras che riceveranno i premi alla carriera, mentre la presidenza è nelle mani di Catherine Deneuve [continua...]

    23/01/2025 - OSCAR 2025 - TUTTE LE NOMINATIONS: Come lo scorso anno, anche quest’anno il 2 marzo 2025 la visione degli Oscar 2025 sarà trasmessa in diretta su Rai 1 e su tutte le piattaforme streaming. [continua...]

    21/01/2025 - 75. Berlinale (13-23 Febbraio 2025) - Il PROGRAMMA Completo: A presiedere la Giuria Internazione del Concorso, che assegnerà l'Orso d'Oro e gli altri premi, è come stato annunciato il regista americano Todd Haynes. Nessun film italiano è presente nel concorso, nel quale spiccano i nomi di Richard Linklater, Hong Sangsoo e Radu Jude. [continua...]

    17/01/2025 - BAFTA 2025 - Tutte le Nominations!!! Dodici Nominations per 'Conclave': Domenica 16 febbraio 2025 la consegna dei Premi [continua...]

    06/01/2025 - Golden Globes 2025 TUTTI i VINCITORI: Sbaragliano The Brutalist ed Emilia Perez, mentre Demi Moore (The Substance) vince come 'Migliore attrice in un film commedia o musicale' e il film Conclave come 'Migliore Sceneggiatura' [continua...]

    30/12/2024 - OSCAR 2025 - La shortlist delle Nominations: L'annuncio delle Nominations Ufficiali venerdì 17 Gennaio 2025 [continua...]

    24/12/2024 - MERRY CHRISTMAS 2024!!! - BUON NATALE!!!: May Your Days Be Merry And Bright And May Your Christmas Be White! [continua...]

    09/12/2024 - Golden Globe 2025: Annunciate le NOMINATIONS!!!: La consegna dei premi ci sarà il 5 Gennaio 2025 (ora italiana, nella notte tra il 5 e il 6) [continua...]

    09/12/2024 - 34 Noir in Festival (Milano, 2-7 Dicembre 2024: tra il Cinema Arlecchino – Cineteca Milano, l’Università IUM, la Casa Manzoni e la Libreria Rizzoli Galleria, fino al Teatro Franco Parenti) - Tutti i PREMI: Brief History of a Family conquista il BLACK PANTHER AWARD 2024, a Mimì - Il Principe delle tenebre il Premio Caligari [continua...]

    01/12/2024 - 34 Noir in Festival (Milano, 2-7 Dicembre 2024: tra il Cinema Arlecchino – Cineteca Milano, l’Università IUM, la Casa Manzoni e la Libreria Rizzoli Galleria, fino al Teatro Franco Parenti) - Ai Nastri di Partenza con sorprese sotto l'albero: Al programma si aggiunge l’attesa anteprima di Rumours, dark comedy con un cast all star sui cui svetta una strepitosa Cate Blanchett [continua...]

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