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    68° Festival del Cinema di Cannes (13-24 maggio 2015) - DAILY: venerdì 15 Maggio 2015


    14/05/2015 - OUT OF COMPETITION - IRRATIONAL MAN, philosophy and a love triangle

    the 15.05.2015 at 9:00 AM - Updated on 15.05.2015 at 9:10 AM

    Since Manhattan in 1979, WOODY ALLEN has presented no less than twelve films Out of Competition at the Festival de Cannes. The last time he came to the festival in 2011, Midnight in Paris was the opening film. This time round, it's Irrational Man, the story of a Philosophy teacher battling with doubt, of an "irrational man" portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix.

    Friday 15 May / Grand Théâtre Lumière / 11.30am - 7.30pm

    SPECIAL SCREENING - Hayored Lema'ala (L’Esprit de l’escalier) by Elad Keidan

    the 15.05.2015 at 9:00 AM - Updated on 15.05.2015 at 9:00 AM

    The Israeli director from Haifa (awarded the First Prize of the Cinéfondation in 2008 with Anthem (L’Hymne) used to climb Mount Carmel. It was out of question for him to think of using any other Mediterranean landscape for his first feature film, which is competing for the Caméra d'Or.

    Friday 15 May / Soixantième Theatre / 7.45pm

    CANNES CLASSICS - By Sidney Lumet: a documentary by Nancy Buirski

    the 15.05.2015 at 9:00 AM - Updated on 15.05.2015 at 9:00 AM

    In By Sidney Lumet, Nancy Buirski paints an inspired portrait of the "honest filmmaker".What led you to prepare a documentary on Sidney Lumet ? I was invited by Michael Kantor, Executive Producer at American Masters to pursue this project – his predecessor Susan Lacy had funded the original interview with Mr Lumet in 2008.

    Friday 15th May / Salle Buñuel / 3 pm

    CANNES CLASSICS - La Noire de…(Black Girl): A look back at the origins of African film

    the 15.05.2015 at 9:00 AM - Updated on 15.05.2015 at 9:02 AM

    Ousmane Sembène lived several lives over the course of his career. He was, indisputably, the father of African film, but before he started directing, this native of Senegal worked in turn as a fisherman, a builder and a docker in Marseille. He then discovered a talent for writing and adapted his own novels for the silver screen.

    COMPETITION - Saul Fia, a promising debut by László Nemes

    the 15.05.2015 at 9:00 AM

    This is the first selection for Hungary's László Nemes. His film, Saul Fia (Son of Saul), plunges us headlong into the hellish existence of a Jewish prisoner at Auschwitz-Birkenau who recognises his son amongst the bodies to be incinerated. In the words of Thierry Frémaux, this film will be "much talked about.".

    Friday 15 May / Grand Théâtre Lumière / 4 pm

    UN CERTAIN REGARD - Hrútar (Rams), interview with Grímur Hákonarson

    the 15.05.2015 at 9:00 AM

    A graduate of Prague Film School and a Cinéfondation contender in 2005 with Slavek The Shit, Grímur Hákonarson gives us his second feature film. Hrútar (Rams), set in a remote region of Iceland, tells how two brothers at loggerheads for forty years are reunited. Both livestock farmers, they come together to tackle the task of saving their animals.

    Friday 15 May / Debussy Theatre / 11 am - 2 pm

    COMPETITION - THE LOBSTER di Yorgos Lanthimos, surrealism in a time of recession

    the 15.05.2015 at 9:00 AM - Updated on 15.05.2015 at 9:12 AM

    First revealed in 2009, Yorgos Lanthimos, with his new movie The Lobster, symbolizes the coming of age of a wave of Greek film makers whose creativity and surrealist tendencies have been stimulated and exacerbated by the crisis.

    Friday 15 May / Grand Théâtre Lumière / 8h30 - 22h30

    UN CERTAIN REGARD - Chauthi Koot, interview with Gurvinder Singh

    the 15.05.2015 at 9:00 AM

    Improvisation, and the unexpected, is how the cinema of Gurvinder Singh could be defined. In Chauthi Koot, we are plunged into the atmosphere of the Punjab after the assassination of Indira Gandhi, the former Prime Minister, in the 1980s. At this point in time, caught between the violence of the army and the coercion of the Sikh militants, two stories, two trajectories merge.

    Friday 15 May / Debussy Theatre / 4.30 pm


    Fonte: Sito Ufficiale Festival del Cinema di Cannes

    Editoriali recenti

    29/01/2025 - César 2025 - TUTTE LE NOMINATIONS: La cerimonia, che si svolgerà il 28 febbraio all’Olympia di Parigi, vedrà protagonisti anche Julia Roberts e Costa-Gavras che riceveranno i premi alla carriera, mentre la presidenza è nelle mani di Catherine Deneuve [continua...]

    23/01/2025 - OSCAR 2025 - TUTTE LE NOMINATIONS: Come lo scorso anno, anche quest’anno il 2 marzo 2025 la visione degli Oscar 2025 sarà trasmessa in diretta su Rai 1 e su tutte le piattaforme streaming. [continua...]

    21/01/2025 - 75. Berlinale (13-23 Febbraio 2025) - Il PROGRAMMA Completo: A presiedere la Giuria Internazione del Concorso, che assegnerà l'Orso d'Oro e gli altri premi, è come stato annunciato il regista americano Todd Haynes. Nessun film italiano è presente nel concorso, nel quale spiccano i nomi di Richard Linklater, Hong Sangsoo e Radu Jude. [continua...]

    17/01/2025 - BAFTA 2025 - Tutte le Nominations!!! Dodici Nominations per 'Conclave': Domenica 16 febbraio 2025 la consegna dei Premi [continua...]

    06/01/2025 - Golden Globes 2025 TUTTI i VINCITORI: Sbaragliano The Brutalist ed Emilia Perez, mentre Demi Moore (The Substance) vince come 'Migliore attrice in un film commedia o musicale' e il film Conclave come 'Migliore Sceneggiatura' [continua...]

    30/12/2024 - OSCAR 2025 - La shortlist delle Nominations: L'annuncio delle Nominations Ufficiali venerdì 17 Gennaio 2025 [continua...]

    24/12/2024 - MERRY CHRISTMAS 2024!!! - BUON NATALE!!!: May Your Days Be Merry And Bright And May Your Christmas Be White! [continua...]

    09/12/2024 - Golden Globe 2025: Annunciate le NOMINATIONS!!!: La consegna dei premi ci sarà il 5 Gennaio 2025 (ora italiana, nella notte tra il 5 e il 6) [continua...]

    09/12/2024 - 34 Noir in Festival (Milano, 2-7 Dicembre 2024: tra il Cinema Arlecchino – Cineteca Milano, l’Università IUM, la Casa Manzoni e la Libreria Rizzoli Galleria, fino al Teatro Franco Parenti) - Tutti i PREMI: Brief History of a Family conquista il BLACK PANTHER AWARD 2024, a Mimì - Il Principe delle tenebre il Premio Caligari [continua...]

    01/12/2024 - 34 Noir in Festival (Milano, 2-7 Dicembre 2024: tra il Cinema Arlecchino – Cineteca Milano, l’Università IUM, la Casa Manzoni e la Libreria Rizzoli Galleria, fino al Teatro Franco Parenti) - Ai Nastri di Partenza con sorprese sotto l'albero: Al programma si aggiunge l’attesa anteprima di Rumours, dark comedy con un cast all star sui cui svetta una strepitosa Cate Blanchett [continua...]

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